Stay focused with GrowthWheel

Link your business with Sustainable Development Goals!

We selected GrowthWheel as a top international business development tool to help you focus on your green business goals.

One of GrowthWheels tools is a pack of 20+ visual Decision Sheets that guides green entrepreneurs to understand alternatives and reach decisions. This toolset is fully integrated with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

See for more details. Click here to view GrowthWheel` s Green Business Tools.

Sign up here to access Growth Wheel via the Green Economy Academy!

Green Action Areas

Job To Be Done:

Formulate a green ambition that attracts the company’s customers.

How the Decision Sheet helps:

By getting an overview of the action areas we can more easily prioritize the ones with the greatest green impact and economic return.

Green Footprint

Job To Be Done:

Bring down the bad environmental impacts of your business activities.

How the Decision Sheet helps:

By mapping out the footprints the company leaves after each business process we can find out within which areas they can be reduced.

Green Ambition

Job To Be Done:

Formulate a green ambition that attracts the company’s customers.

How the Decision Sheet helps:

By answering a number of key questions about the company’s ambition we start putting our green agenda into words

#buildingbackbettergreener #LeaveNoOneBehind

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